Legal Services
We offer full service expert conveyancing solutions and can guide you through your property transfer from contract negotiation to settlement. Start your conveyance online today.
Off The Plan Purchases
With over 30 years experience, we specialise in Off-The Plan, Subdivisions, Owners Corporations, Mortgages, Retirement Village Contracts and Retail Leases. Contact us for a free consultation.
Retirement Village Contracts
In the event of loan default we assist lenders with a range of innovative and cost-effective solutions, including power of sale. We adopt a hands-on and investigative approach to mortgage recovery.
Wills and Powers of Attorney
Without a valid Will your assets may not be distributed according to your wishes. Let us help you with estate planning, including drafting your Will and advising on Enduring Power of Attorney and/or Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker.
Probate, Letters of Administration & Reseals
Let us assist with applying for a Grant of Probate or Grant of Administration. We can help you and your family through the legalities and administration of a deceased estate during this difficult time.
Challenging a Will (TFM Claims)
We are experienced litigators in matters involving property disputes, breach of contract, injunctions and more. We can also represent you in alternative dispute resolution and negotiations to avoid costly legal proceedings.
Mortgage Services
Without a valid Will your assets may not be distributed according to your wishes. Let us help you with estate planning, including drafting your Will and advising on Enduring Power of Attorney and/or Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker.
Commercial Litigation
Let us assist with applying for a Grant of Probate or Grant of Administration. We can help you and your family through the legalities and administration of a deceased estate during this difficult time.
Enquire Today
We are experienced litigators in matters involving property disputes, breach of contract, injunctions and more. We can also represent you in alternative dispute resolution and negotiations to avoid costly legal proceedings.